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Aquarius Has Dawned

Writer's picture: Infinity CovenInfinity Coven

“This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius…”

I'm sure you have all heard the song, a melody that was pertinent in its heyday during the late 1960's due to the transformative civil rights movement, but now I find it is a tune that rings even more true than ever before. The Age of Aquarius has been dawning at an increasing rate over the past 5 decades while our planetary and individual vibrations have been steadily rising, and we are now reaching a transformative apex that will shift us culturally and spiritually from a lower vibration to the next highest vibration and usher us fully into this new age. We have been witnessing the death knell of the Piscean Age in 2020, which is both a beautiful and a nerve-wracking concept when you know what it truly means. The Piscean Age was an age that valued money, power, and control over all else, and has spanned for the past 2000 or so years. 2020 has made it more than abundantly clear and apparent how truly dark these values can be when left unfettered, particularly when contrasted against the values of love, brotherhood, unity, and integrity that the Age of Aquarius has brought into play. As one might expect, these two conflicting sets of values do not resonate with one another, and the rising tensions we have experienced in the past 4 years are a testament to this confliction. 2020 has especially opened our eyes to this precise discordance as one segment of the population is rising up for the Aquarian values of unity, brotherhood, and integrity, while the other seeks to uphold the Piscean values of power, control, and money. The result, of course, is chaos.

Chaos, however, is not a new or unusual concept when it comes to the shifting of ages. The Age of Pisces began with chaos when Rome fell and the great change of power began shifting from The Age of Aries; the birth of the Middle Ages. It was also the birth of one certain individual very central to the theme, values, and virtues of the age of Pisces and the past 2000 years; Jesus Christ. The virtues of charity, mercy, sacrifice, compassion, and pardon, are all teachings of Jesus, and these are virtues of the Pisces. The prominent role of water in Christ's teachings - such as turning water to wine, walking on water, gatherings his deciples by bodies of water, water baptisms, etc, are all fitting for an age ruled by water sign such as Pisces. Pisces is symbolized by two fish; the fish is a symbol of Christianity, and a staple in the diet of Jesus and his disciples. Jesus is called the "lamb of God", and was sacrificed for this, which is a poetic demise for the individual whose birth heralded the beginning of the age of Pisces and the death of the age of Aries; an age symbolized by the ram, whose offspring would be a lamb. Pisces is definitively the age of monotheism, and we see this in the rise of many religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism; but it is also the Age of spirituality. Throughout most of this era, spirituality has been prevalent in the form of religions, but it has been seen, for the most part, as a force outside of ourselves having dominion and control. Spirituality was seen in relation to our external world, as opposed to an innate knowing of our internal divinity.

We have been told - in some cases indoctrinated - by others outside ourselves over the past 2000 years what to believe via religions, governments, kings, presidents; whoever wielded the most power. Wars of religion have been rampant during the Age of Pisces, with people killing others simply because they didn't share the same religious beliefs, or because they went against the tenets put in place by the people or organizations weilding power or control in the name of - or by the apparent will of - their God. As we enter into Aquarius, we are seeing a rise in spiritual paths that do not pertain to one specific religion or any religion at all, such as witchcraft, where the power of the divine is no longer seen as external, but within oneself. Religious establishments that have endured for centuries while harboring all the power, control, and money are now losing their ground with this shift towards divine inner power, and they are not pleased with these changes. We see the escalating tensions now that the Age of Pisces has ended, having borne witness to the abandonment of Piscean virtues by purported followers of Christ, who supported a man of completely opposing virtues merely because they wanted to maintain their religious power and control over others. The coming years seem to be leading us towards the proverbial "death" of the fish, where all the power that organized establishments of Christianity have leveraged over many slips away from them. Aquarius will be there to pick up the reins, and is currently guiding us to look beyond the five senses and experience true living by relying on our internal divinity rather than unknown or external forces. Soon, we will truly realize that the love and empathy we show towards our brothers and sisters is the love we feel towards ourselves. This is the beginning of the oneness of all things, and the foundations of a society built on unconditional love.

While Pisces, in its gentleness, may have started us on our spiritual path back to the creator and gifted us with artistry beyond compare to other ages, its limitations of materialism and impracticality have prevented many from reaching their desired level of understanding of the divine. Aquarius will now bring to fruition the greater meaning of things and the immense knowledge of the universe, including a continuation of incredible technological advances for the betterment of our planet. Technology certainly has made astounding and innovative leaps during the age of Pisces, but it was not strictly the Piscean energy that caused this. The industrial revolution was yet another sign of the impending age of Aquarius, for Aquarius is known as “the sign of all things that are newly invented.” Aquarius will continue to be an age of incredible and unimaginable technological advancement, but with the materialistic and individualistic energies of Pisces out of the way, these advancements will no longer be geared towards the success of the individual or attainment, but towards finding a balance and a harmony with the earth. This harmonization of environment and technology for the good of the whole will be a prerequisite to all new inventions, and nothing will thrive unless it satisfies these values. Science and technology will no longer be a tool for financial gain or for our individualized nations but will be used to improve human and environmental situations on earth as a global community. Finally, we will know the true meaning of "progress," and we will see all living entities gain from it. We have been convinced this is an impossible feat, we even been taught to fear the very thought of it, ie, "They wanna take away your burgers!", "Windmills cause cancer!" "The economy will collapse if we don't continue to dredge fossil fuels from the belly of the earth!", "They don't want windows on buildings!" and other such hits, but these are nothing more than the desperate cries of the power structures that want nothing but to maintain their control and wealth from the safety of their ivory towers. They can scream all they want, but we will finally know that we do not need to be held captive by the constraints of money or power anymore, nor are we victims of circumstance. Pisces has attempted to teach us that we are the creators of our own experiences, and Aquarius is opening our eyes to the reality that we have the power to create a world that benefits not only all of our societies across the globe but the planet that supports us as well. Our new goal will not be to seek heaven outside of ourselves but to make the earth living heaven. Pisces opened the window to further spiritual understanding, and now Aquarius is here to teach us that WE, both as a united whole and individually, are the creators of our world and the deities we've been seeking - or waiting to return to us.

While it may not be obvious at this time, our planet is, in fact progressing towards this more egalitarian and idealistic society, and its overall vibration is becoming increasingly more positive every day. I know many of you have felt the energy shift, despite the multitudes of negativity we are still dealing with at every turn. Those more sensitive to these shifts have experienced symptoms such as vivid and unusual dreams, headaches, a feeling of release, and yet, a lingering sense of something uncertain and ominous lurking just around the corner. It is not just the recent election and ongoing dramatics that have us feeling this way, nor is it simply Covid quarantine fatigue or the impending Yule season that many of us will be spending apart from those we love, or without them entirely; There are much, much deeper forces at work here.

You may recall a bit of a stir back in the year 2012, when many people were convinced the world itself was going to end on December 21st, due to this being the date the ancient Mayans had stopped their calendar, which had spanned over a 5,000-year cycle to that point. Well, clearly, the world did not cease to exist, there was no big apocalypse or catastrophic destruction, but there was, in fact, a transition or shift in the energy of our planet and our collective consciousness at that time. As we have learned above, the Mayans were not wrong in their assertions that this time would be the end of one age and the beginning of a new age, nor were they the only culture to come to this same conclusion. The civilization at the heart of modern astrology, ancient Babylonia, had come to the same conclusion as the Mayans, despite being thousands of miles away across vast oceans and a few hundred years apart. The Babylonians knew that the astrological age of Aquarius was going to be an incredibly transformative period of time for us, and our planet as a whole. They knew this great shift was to be the first time in all of earth's history where our planet's positive energies began to overtake the negative energies - although it may not appear that way to those of us in the thick of it. 2012 was the critical mass, the first time where negative and positive energies were at a balance, influenced by planetary consciousness and our collective consciousness. We were waking up to the notion that we are all one - with each other and with the earth - just like the individual cells that make up a beating heart and the body that houses it, or like molecules of water that bond together to create our vast and endless seas. We have always been one, it’s only that we are now finally beginning to fully realize it.

The Aquarian Age will be dominated by horizontal networks of power and the dissemination and sharing of information. It is an age of knowledge and truth, where the familiar Piscean power structures will be challenged. Nothing will be secret anymore. Already, we see this shift - and the resistance to it by some. We have access to a wealth of information at our fingertips, but some refuse to change their views or believe what they see with their own eyes in favor of clinging to their old, antiquated beliefs, because Pisces has taught us to BELIEVE. The Age of Pisces also brought us vertical power structures and hierarchies, while Aquarius will shift us to a horizontal network of power, opening up our world to true equality. Our focus will no longer depend on our individual identities and existence, but on accepting ourselves as people who do not need to believe in something outside of ourselves to be a whole person. We are preparing to accept that WE have the knowledge and wisdom within ourselves. We are preparing to shrug our attachments to outside influences and controlling forces and to become leaders of ourselves. It is easier to comprehend what has been happening in the world since the '60s with this understanding. Personal transformation, self-awareness, self-improvement, yoga, meditation, witchcraft, alternative healing, organic foods; are all manifestations of our shift towards recognizing our inner power. Conversely, we have also seen the resistance to this shift, in the increase of lower vibrational energies manifesting as depression, suicide, anxiety, stress, drug abuse, etc.

In the world around us, we have seen amazing progress in our society as more and more people push for civil rights, environmental and global consciousness, women’s rights, gay rights, and more. Sadly, we have also seen the rise of fundamentalism, terrorism, partisan politics, racism, xenophobia, and general fear-mongering and misinformation. We are now at the moment where we see the best and the worst of mankind. Some of us are opening our hearts and minds and embracing this beautiful new age, while others are terrified of the changes and fear that which they do not understand; pushing for a return to the ways of the past where the power structures and authorities that they believe in were never questioned, and who only feel comfortable when they are surrounded by those who have these same beliefs or think like them.

Our great Mother Earth is in the process of expelling many centuries worth of accumulated negativity with the goal to ascend to a higher vibration. As witches, we know this is the way and order of all things; we must purge the negative, the outdated, the darkness and heaviness of our past before we attempt to manifest or draw in our desires in order to make room for the light. We must break the shackles that bind us before we can truly be free. We must burn the walls of the cages that keep our vibrations low so we may rise unencumbered from the ashes like the Phoenix we were born onto this earth to become. Like us, the vibration of our planet cannot ascend when it is encumbered and buried under the weight of so many years of negative energies - most of which were caused by us when we turned away from the natural world in favor of materialism and creature comforts - and she must clear those negative energies before she can heal and elevate. The massive wildfires engulfing Australia and California over the past years, the seemingly endless barrage of hurricanes and storms pelting countries across the globe, a pandemic that has taken millions of lives worldwide that is showing no signs of relenting, corrupt politicians turning family members against each other, the complete unveiling of the darkest aspects of our society and the perversions and manipulations of our religious institutions which we have kept shrouded for centuries; these are all manifestations of Earth trying to clear her negative energies. Think about how the world has changed between 2012 and now and you will see that these are not empty words of a rambling Gen X neo-hippie; this is the reality of an energy shift.

2020 is the culmination of this energy that has been growing since the '60s, and the time that many of us began to shift on an individual level ourselves; choosing wiser conscious decisions, marching for the rights of oppressed peoples such as women, African Americans, Indigenous peoples, and LBGTQIA people. Environmentalism has risen to the forefront of global consciousness, as more people transition into the vibration that acknowledges that we cannot continue on our current path of environmental destruction and pollution any longer. We have begun openly and loudly speaking out against the controlling powers of our governments and rulers who turn a blind eye to our suffering and our needs and fan the flames of chaos while they sit high in their ivory towers. I think it is safe to say we all felt 2020 was going to be the end of the world (for real this time), and while the events have been insanely and increasingly bleak and wild, it has opened the door and cleared a path for us to build a better society. We cannot pretend our demons do not exist anymore. They have stared us in the face for many a decade now, and we finally know what needs to be done to banish them for good.

Transformation and rebirth are time-consuming, laborious, and often painful processes, so we can expect chaos and destruction in the coming years as the earth continues to expel negativity and heal her wounds so she can ascend to a higher vibration. We must be patient and understand that the traumas we have and likely continue to endure are all for the benefit of the future. Think of it as detoxification; we have been cancer to our planet, poisoning her energy with violence, wars, pollution, environmental destruction, genocide, racism, factory farming, unsustainable population growth, etc., and now she must purify that energy in order to reach her highest potential and continue to sustain us and allow us to thrive.

Every soul or consciousness endures this natural process of destruction, healing, and rebirth, and in many cultures and belief systems, this happens many times. During this process, we must remember that what we focus our energy on will be what we manifest. As the transformation unfolds, negative people will experience more negativity, while positive people will experience more positivity. As the manifestation of this transformative era carries on, it will become increasingly more difficult for us to change ourselves and experience different vibrational realities that do not align with ours. It is hard to fathom that our current world, rife with duality, is shifting towards a reality where this duality or confliction of positive and negative vibrations is going to get increasingly more rare as time goes on. If you are currently stuck in a negative reality, it will be difficult for you to have experiences rooted in positivity such as love, happiness, and prosperity.

Visualize, for a moment, you are at the base of a mountain, looking into the forest at several different paths. Each path leads us to a unique destination but runs parallel to the other, and each has different consequences on our reality. Once we start down one path, these other paths don’t quite cease to exist, but they diverge so far from our path before us that we cannot imagine the reality that unfolds on any of them but ours. Others around us will choose different paths than us, leading us to experience these two different realities, and even though we are both headed in the same direction, we will not be able to see or experience each other's reality as they do. Clearly, in a nation as divided as ours currently is, we can see this rift in our duality, as though we are living in two completely different universes despite sharing the same plane of existence. Our respective energy paths were decided and set in motion in 2015, and a year later, we had an opportunity to switch paths or continue on our current path as they intersected, however, as of 2018, our unique, chosen, paths will no longer meet, and will continue on to their respective destinations. It will not be entirely impossible for us to change course, but it will be far mor difficult, considering the energy is stronger and more fixed now due to the shift in the collective and the planetary vibrations. Around 2045-2050, the path we are on will be ours for good, and there will be no changing course or turning back. Now is the time, as we continue walking down our chosen paths, to embody more of who we align with as swiftly and surely as possible, lest we end up living a life we didn’t prefer at all.

Now is the time to release the weight that is anchoring you down or holding you back, for not everyone is capable of achieving a higher vibration or ascension. There are infinite realities or universes, of which we are merely experiencing one of the realities that most closely represents our vibration from one moment to the next. You will notice that people and things whose energies don't resonate with your energy anymore have exited completely or moved to the periphery of your life. Your vibrations do not align with those who chose the alternate path to yours anymore, and thus you are like positive and negative ions in a magnet; each of you shifting to the pole that resonates within you. As the shift progresses, you will no longer find it possible to interact with anyone who doesn’t match with your vibe, and these people will disappear from your life. Make peace with letting go of what doesn’t resonate with you, this will allow you to not only be your most authentic self.

While it is difficult to release that which has become familiar and normalized to us over our lives, clinging on to toxic relationships and weighty burdens will only bring you more pain than pleasure in the long haul. Luckily, this new age will allow this process to proceed more smoothly and naturally by synchronicity, especially when you are in alignment with your true inner self. Around the years 2045 to 2050, we will no longer meet people or experience things that are not in our same vibrational wavelength, although it will be possible to co-exist around those vibrationally oppositional to us. We must bear witness to these opposing vibrations in order to assist us in defining who we are, and to know and better understand our desires and what kind of reality we truly want to manifest. Without darkness, there can be no light. This duality is necessary for us to discover more about ourselves and know what we really desire so that we can choose our direction and reality. That’s why our creator created us (all the beings) in the first place, to understand ourselves and our relationship to the earth and everything that is.

If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of the bringers of light we need in this transition. It is an undeniable truth that it only takes a small number of people to shift their consciousness in order to influence the rest of humanity in a positive way. The more people you share your light with, the more people will consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, and the easier the transition will be on all of humanity. Spread your light in any way you can: write, teach, make music, heal, create a community garden, volunteer, love unconditionally the alternate path to yours anymore, and thus you are like positive and negative ions in a magnet; each of you shifting to the pole that resonates within you. As the shift progresses, you will no longer find it possible to interact with anyone who doesn’t match with your vibe, and these people will disappear from your life. Make peace with letting go of what doesn’t resonate with you, this will allow you to not only be your most authentic self, but to allow others of similar vibrations to sync up with your energies.

Now is the time to claim what you desire and claim it fearlessly. It is a time to take action and make choices geared towards creating the world that you want to manifest. Simply choosing your path is not enough. Is the path you are currently on the path you desire? If not, the window of opportunity is swiftly closing to change your path. If it is the path you want, affirm your desires, and resist the urge to give in to doubt and fear. Be confident, and have faith and conviction in your decisions. There is no greater sovereignty than the power of affirmation. You must remember that you manifest your reality with your beliefs and your attitude. Your thoughts influence what you attract, so you must claim these manifestations of your desires without reservations. It may not happen today, or tomorrow, or even next week, but you mustn’t stop believing. You must believe in your power the way I believe in you; the way the universe and your creator believe in you. You are here, now, in this time and place to change your world and the world around you. Know your power, and manifest it boldly.

Questions to guide you in 2021:

What do you want to achieve the most and how would you like to grow this year?

Are you walking on the right path?

Are you speaking your truth and expressing it fully, or holding back?

What steps can you take to manifest your ideal reality?

What is holding you back that you need to let go of or release to become the best version of you possible?

What does your ideal reality look like for you and those around you?

Survival tips for the Aquarian Age:

1. Have a daily spiritual practice. Work out, do yoga, meditate, pray, light candles, start a journal, etc. It is not important what you do, just that you do something every day (if possible), and do it with the intention of letting go of blockages and opening up your consciousness.

2. Don’t give in to fear, despair, or anger. There will be more things to come that are going to trigger your emotions: Natural and manmade disasters, news, politics, terrorism, etc. Acknowledge and KNOW that these emotions are all symptoms of the Aquarian shift, and you will be able to work through them without losing yourself to negativity.

3. Don’t be a victim. Do not give power to others through resentment and blame. You are in control of YOU and your happiness, and you have the power to change your life. Don't listen to any voices trying to convince you that you are not in charge of your life or direction. Be empowered, and be conscious of that power.

4. Be a source of light. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of the bringers of light we need in this transition. It is an undeniable truth that it only takes a small number of people to shift their consciousness in order to influence the rest of humanity in a positive way. The more people you share your light with, the more people will consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, and the easier the transition will be on all of humanity. Spread your light in any way you can: write, teach, make music, heal, create a community garden, volunteer, love unconditionally.

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